Explore, Meditate, Grow, Build Community…

A place of enlightenment, personal growth, community and oneness with the Universe.Get connected with your life’s purpose~~your soul’s calling.
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To learn how to thrive in your personal journey, not just survive!
The Sweet Retreat:

Is a meditation and holistic center which is situated on 17 acres of woodlands,
borders an 88 acre land preserve, and is 5 minutes from the ocean.
The center hosts a unique meditation path to allow healing with nature and was created in partnership with the Spirit in Nature organization in 2010. Walking the pathway, reading and contemplating
the profound quotes (compliments of SpIN) that greet you along the way is
powerfully healing, enlightening and refreshing.
There is a compassionate mission at the Sweet Retreat that provides a positive, safe harbor for change. Come be inspired, become enchanted with yourself and magically transform your life!
We will list all new events, activities and seminars as they are planned. Please click here to join our email list, so you
don't miss any future events like those listed below:
Also, visit our Meetup.com group for the most up-to-date schedule of events at:
borders an 88 acre land preserve, and is 5 minutes from the ocean.
The center hosts a unique meditation path to allow healing with nature and was created in partnership with the Spirit in Nature organization in 2010. Walking the pathway, reading and contemplating
the profound quotes (compliments of SpIN) that greet you along the way is
powerfully healing, enlightening and refreshing.
There is a compassionate mission at the Sweet Retreat that provides a positive, safe harbor for change. Come be inspired, become enchanted with yourself and magically transform your life!
We will list all new events, activities and seminars as they are planned. Please click here to join our email list, so you
don't miss any future events like those listed below:
Also, visit our Meetup.com group for the most up-to-date schedule of events at:

Leah Doroch, founder and owner of The Sweet Retreat, a meditation and enlightenment center in Westport, MA, is committed to helping those who are looking to improve their lives and well-being. Leah was directed to her spiritual path after having a near death and out of body experience in 2001 when she was injured in a equestrian accident where her body went into cardiac arrest and she was resuscitated by her father. She describes her journey to the other side as the most loving, peaceful and eye-opening experience of her life. Since then, Leah has been sharing her experience to enlighten others. During her time spent out of her body, she felt a higher level of consciousness that her soul experienced first hand. She feels that it is part of her soul's purpose to tell the story of this amazing trip and share the knowledge of another state of afterlife consciousness with others. Leah is a holistic coach and teaches life enriching techniques such as various meditation styles, Emotional Freedom Technique and other mindfulness approaches to improving your life. She is also certified in Reiki, ThetaHealing, and EFT (tapping). Leah holds her individual sessions, workshops and spiritual events at The Sweet Retreat when she is not teaching holistic/complementary therapies in health care facilities throughout New England. She also is the facilitator of meditation classes at the University of Massachusetts.
We offer many popular, holistic wellness techniques and programs, like meditation classes for inner well being and relaxation, metaphysical seminars, nature walks, herbalism classes, spiritual discussion groups, A Course in Miracles, Earth Day celebration, Drum Circle, Angel readings, EFT technique, ThetaHealing, Reiki and many more items to expand consciousness and improve wellness of being while bringing love and oneness to the world. In addition to meditative yoga we also offer nature walks, Reiki, along with seminars and discussions of spirituality and personal growth modalities and techniques, both ancient and modern, to relax the body, open the mind and transform consciousness.